Our Mission

NCJW confronts today’s most urgent social and economic challenges facing women, children, and families. Powered by the Jewish imperative to ensure dignity for all, we impact policy, advocate for justice, and support the community. Your voice has never been more essential and our voices together make a meaningful difference in the world.

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Free Zoom Series: The History of Extremism in the US

Free Zoom Series: The History of Extremism in the US

NCJW, West Morris Section, will present a timely and free Zoom series on “The History of Extremism in the United States and Its Impact on the Jewish Community” on Thursdays, April 3, 10 and 17, at 1 p.m. The series in under the auspices of the organization’s Our Jewish World program, co-chaired by Ilene Dorf Manahan and Melanie Levitan, both of Morristown.

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Special NCJW, West Morris Mother’s Day Brunch: ‘Before She Was My Mother’

Special NCJW, West Morris Mother’s Day Brunch: ‘Before She Was My Mother’

Have you ever wondered what your mother was like before she became your mother? Many of us may ponder that question but never have a chance to ask our mom about her life as a young woman. For Karen Gooen, a life member of NCJW, West Morris Section, that question took on a certain urgency as she and her daughter Elizabeth were cleaning out her mother’s house following her passing in 2023. Karen’s mother, Ellen Levy, was also an NCJW, West Morris life member.

As a special Mother’s Day treat, Karen Gooen will lead a fascinating program called “Before She Was My Mother.” This event, which is free of charge for all West Morris Section members, will take place at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, May 4 (a week before Mother’s Day), at a private home in Morris County.

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Personal Giving Thank-You Brunch: Novelist Offers Insights into ‘Telling Your Story’

Personal Giving Thank-You Brunch: Novelist Offers Insights into ‘Telling Your Story’

Do you have a story to tell? Perhaps it’s a fictional tale that’s been floating around in your mind, or maybe you want to share your own personal story.

Novelist and book publicist Andrea J. Stein will give a fascinating talk for our Personal Giving Thank-You Brunch, called “Telling Your Story,” and she will illustrate her points with insights from her own writing and publishing journey.

The brunch, which is open to all donors to our Personal Giving campaign, will be held at 10 a.m. Sunday, June 8, at a private home in Morris County. Personal Giving is coordinated by Dorothy Cohen and Anne Gorman.

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Wedding Blessings

Wedding Blessings

With wedding season fast approaching, here’s a reminder that our gorgeous quilted chuppah (Jewish wedding canopy) is available for rent for weddings within a 25-mile radius from Morristown. Created with love by our members, this dazzling chuppah has been used by...

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Our people’s stories teach national and religious values, but also they present models for dealing with life’s big challenges, says Rabbi Mark Biller, who will lead a two-part Our Jewish World series titled “Models of Resilience in Our Tradition.” The series, which is free and open to the public, will take place via Zoom at 1 p.m. on Thursdays, March 20 and 27.

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