Rabbi Shalom Lubin, spiritual leader of Chabad of Southeast Morris County, spotlighted “The Jewish Journey of the Soul” in a fascinating three-session Our Jewish World series, Thursdays, Oct. 13, 20 and 27, at 1 p.m., via Zoom. Our Jewish World is coordinated by Ilene Dorf Manahan and Melanie Levitan. The series is free and open to the public.
Rabbi Lubin explored the various Jewish texts, as well as scholars and mystics who have written and taught about the soul and its place in Jewish life and tradition. His series covered a wide range.
- Session 1: What is a soul and who has one?
Among the topics which were addressed: Does everyone have a soul? Are there different souls for people of different faiths? How about animals and plants–do they have souls? What if I don’t believe in the concept of a soul?
Session 2: The role of the soul in the Jewish life cycle.
Here we explored the question of when life begins and ends and the relevance and involvement of the soul in these events. We also discussed how Jewish life-cycle rituals were developed with the soul in mind and learned about the soul angel of Jewish holidays.
Session 3: Soul food, soul music and soul experiences.
We use the term soul to describe all sorts of things in our world today, from music to food to mates. Is there a connection between a soul and the food we eat or music we listen to? Is the soul impacted by the actions of the body it is in?