Sep 5, 2020 | Community Service
The coronavirus pandemic didn’t stop our Section from making back-to-school shopping special for the families served by Homeless Solutions (HSI). There is often a lot of anxiety that comes with the first day of school. Imagine the additional stress if you were...
Sep 5, 2020 | Our Jewish World
Rabbi Shalom Lubin, spiritual leader of Congregation Shaya Ahavat Torah in Parsippany and leader of Chabad of Southeast Morris County, was the inaugural presenter for our NCJW, West Morris 2020–2021 Clergy Learning Series. His talks, on “Jewish Medical Ethics,” are...
Sep 5, 2020 | Our Jewish World
Cantor Perry Fine, “The Voice” of Temple Beth Shalom in Livingston, led a two-session Zoomed NCJW-West Morris Our Jewish World program on Thursdays, November 12 and 19, at 1 p.m. Cantor Fine’s Nov. 12 session, titled “Hatikvah and the Zionist Spirit,” explored the...
Jul 12, 2020 | Community Service
Like so much else in our world these days, Diversity Day was done virtually this year, on Sunday, July 12. Sadly, we couldn’t be all together on the Morristown Green this year, but every participating organization made a video message. We released the whole video of...