Rabbi Steven Bayar, spiritual leader of Congregation B'nai Israel in Millburn, led three fascinating free talks in our Section’s Our Jewish World series at noon on Nov. 27, Dec. 4 and Dec. 11, all at the Morris County Library, 30 E. Hanover Ave., in Whippany. Our...
Our Jewish World
Opening 2018–2019 Clergy Learning Series
Rabbi Shalom Lubin, spiritual leader of Congregation Shaya Ahavat Torah in Parsippany, and director of Chabad of Southeast Morris County in Madison, opened this year’s NCJW, West Morris Rabbi Lecture Series with a free three-seminar series, called “What’s Jewish about...
Rabbi East: Focus on ‘The Shape of Zion’
Rabbi Menashe East, spiritual leader of Mt. Freedom Jewish Center in Randolph, presented a fascinating three-part series titled “The Shape of Zion,” under the auspices of Our Jewish World, coordinated by Melanie Levitan. The series, which was free and open to the...
Photo: Rabbi Nesson With Attendees Of His Our Jewish World Class
Rabbi Mark Biller to Spotlight: ‘Our Fabulous Contributions: How Jews Have Changed the World’
Rabbi Mark Biller, spiritual leader of Gates of Prayer (Shaarei Tefillah) synagogue in Queens, explored “Our Fabulous Contributions: How Jews Have Changed the World,” in a three-part series at the Morris County Library, 30 E. Hanover Ave., in Whippany. The series,...
Rabbi David Nesson to Spotlight ‘Rebel with a Cause’
Rabbi David Nesson, spiritual leader of Morristown Jewish Center–Beit Yisrael, presented a lively three-part series, titled “Rebel with a Cause: The Life, Times and Philosophy of the Excommunicated Heretic Baruch Spinoza—the Man Who Changed Everything.” Rabbi Nesson’s...
Our Section Experiences Fascinating Day at Ohel and Crown Heights
A collegial and enthusiastic busload of NCJW, West Morris members and non-members shared a beautiful autumn day exploring the Ohel at the Old Montefiore Cemetery in Queens, and the Hasidic community in Crown Heights. The outing was made all the more meaningful through...
On a High Note: Cantor Perry Fine, left, is welcomed by Melanie Levitan
Cantor Perry Fine, left, is welcomed by Melanie Levitan, Our Jewish World’s co-chair, at Cantor Fine’s presentation on “Jewish Leonard Bernstein” at the Morris County Library. As part of his Our Jewish World series, he also gave a fascinating talk on “Woman of Valor:...
Rabbi Bayar to Probe Timely Issues in the US and Israel
From a Jewish Perspective: Rabbi Steven Bayar, spiritual leader of Congregation B'nai Israel in Millburn, delved into “The Jewish Perspective on Immigration and the Refugee Crisis,” on Tuesday, Dec. 5, at noon, at the Morris County Library, 30 E. Hanover Ave., in...
Our Jewish World Series for 2017–2018
We’ve announced the lineup for Our Jewish World’s rabbi/cantor lecture series for the 2017–2018 year. All talks will be held at the Morris County Library, 30 E. Hanover Ave., Whippany. Be sure to mark your calendar. Rabbi Shalom Lubin • Monday, Oct. 23: “A Trip to the...