Diversity Celebration 2023

(from left) Jason Navarini (president MJCBY), Linda Forgosh, Susan Neigher, Cantor Shana Onignan,
Rabbi Robert Green

The Diversity Coalition of Morris County, of which NCJW, West Morris is a founding partner, has learned how to be flexible. We moved from the Green to virtual during Covid. Now this year rain forced us to move from the Green to the United Methodist Church, who graciously gave us a huge space to cram in thirty tables, tons of food, and delightful entertainment in addition to the moving interfaith service.

Animodule  Elephant

Animodule Elephant

The tighter space actually encouraged lots of conversations connecting people from all over the Morris County area–which is the whole idea of the event.

Our Section shared a table with Morristown Jewish Center-Beit Yisrael.

A man who was helped by a refugee assistance program in Morris County demonstrates how he prays and meditates as a whirling dervish.