Have you ever wondered what your mother was like before she became your mother? Many of us may ponder that question but never have a chance to ask our mom about her life as a young woman. For Karen Gooen, a life member of NCJW, West Morris Section, that question took on a certain urgency as she and her daughter Elizabeth were cleaning out her mother’s house following her passing in 2023. Karen’s mother, Ellen Levy, was also an NCJW, West Morris life member.

Cover of the new book Ellen, Discovered by Karen Gooen, picturing the puzzle box whose contents sparked a journey to explore her mother’s past

As a special Mother’s Day treat, Karen Gooen will lead a fascinating program called “Before She Was My Mother.” This event, which is free of charge for all West Morris Section members, will take place at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, May 4 (a week before Mother’s Day), at a private home in Morris County.

Gooen’s journey to find out about her mother’s life before her mom was married was prompted by the discovery of a puzzle box in her mother’s house. When Gooen and her daughter popped open the box, they found photos of Ellen in her teens with a man who wasn’t her father, and the couple looked very much in love.

As Gooen was trying to figure out what the photos meant, she started writing a book about how she was drawn in to the quest to learn out more about her mom. The project helped her get through a very difficult mourning period, complicated by additional family tragedy. Gooenhad already been in mourning, watching her mother suffer cognitive decline, for four years; the research gave her the chance to see her mom as a young, vibrant person, rather than focusing solely on the difficult last years of her life.

The book she wrote, titled Ellen Discovered, chronicles Gooen’s circuitous route to understanding her mother’s early adulthood. Copies of the book will be available at the May 4 event.

Karen Gooen and her husband Michael have lived in Morris County for over 30 years, where she’s raised two children and two Havanese dogs. A lifetime NCJW and Hadassah member, Gooen worked at JCC Camp Deeny Riback for over 10 years.

After “retiring” from camp, she returned to her original love, writing. Gooen has published three books about mah jongg and continues to write and speak about the game. In addition, she was caught up in caregiving for her mother and in-laws during the various COVID surges from 2020 to 2023. She was motivated, after their passing, to write this newest book.

To become an NCJW, West Morris member (dues are $40 a year), email Dorothy Cohen at dorothy_irvingcohen@msn.com. Prospective attendees should RSVP to Debbie Schwartz, programming chair (debra.ellen910@gmail.com).