Emil Fackenheim was considered the leading Jewish philosopher, theologian and thinker of the 20th century. In a three-part series, titled “The Life, Times, Philosophy and Theology of Emil Fackenheim, Rabbi David Nesson, spiritual leader of Morristown Jewish Center–Beit Yisrael, will delve into Fackenheim’s approach to life and faith. The series, which is free and open to the public, will be held at 1 p.m. on Thursdays, May 4, 11 and 18, via Zoom.
In the first session, Rabbi Nesson will lead participants in tracing Fackenheim’s thinking about revelation as he struggled to answer the question of whether revelation was possible.
In the second session, the rabbi says, “We will turn to Fackenheim’s Holocaust Jewish thought as the event that ‘ruptured’ history, including his proposal for the adoption of the 614th Commandment not to give Hitler a posthumous victory.”
In the final class, participants will examine Fackenheim’s ideas for the future, as outlined in his work To Mend the World.
Preregistration is required for Rabbi Nesson’s series. To register, email iadpr@aol.com.