Dec 28, 2016 | Our Jewish World
In a thought-provoking three-part series, titled “Journey of the Soul: An Exploration of Life, Death, and What Lies Beyond,” Rabbi Shalom Lubin led our group on a roller-coaster of insights, teachings, and mystical concepts related to the emotionally charged and often...
Dec 28, 2016 | Our Jewish World
Our Jewish World co-chairs Melanie Levitan and Ellen Nesson have put together another outstanding lineup of classes for the 2016–2017 year. Participating spiritual leaders include Cantor Perry Fine of Temple Beth Shalom in Livingston, leading classes in the fall;...
Dec 28, 2016 | Our Jewish World
What is mysticism? What is Jewish mysticism? How is mysticism different from our scientific ways oflooking at things? How is it similar to the scientific approach to understanding the world? In an intriguing three-part series, titled “Jewish Mysticism & Its...
Dec 28, 2016 | Our Jewish World
Rabbi Shalom D. Lubin, who serves as spiritual leader of Congregation Shaya Ahavat Torah in Parsippany, and director of Chabad of Southeast Morris County in Madison, offered a thought-provoking three-part series called “Journey of the Soul: An Exploration of Life,...
Dec 28, 2016 | Our Jewish World
Rabbi David Nesson Rabbi David Nesson, spiritual leader of Morristown Jewish Center–Beit Yisrael, led a fascinating series titled “Between Heaven and Earth: A Journey Through the Books of the Apocrypha and the Pseudepigrapha, the Stories of the Beginning and the End...