Nov 4, 2019 | Fundraising
REZA: The Edge of Illusion was a fund-raiser held at the Community Theatre, 100 South St., in Morristown, on Saturday, Jan. 11, at 7 p.m. FINAL NCJW Illusionist flyer...
Nov 4, 2019 | Community Service
The Back 2 School shopping event, sponsored by our Section, put a big smile on the face of students from 5 to 17 years old who are served by Homeless Solutions! The youngsters had a chance to get brand-new clothes and shoes for the upcoming year. Personal shoppers...
Nov 13, 2019 | Our Jewish World
Cantor Perry Fine offered his fascinating take on “From Sinai to Delancey Street: Perspectives on Synagogue Music in America,” as part of our Clergy Learning Series at the Morris County Library. The series is co-chaired by Ilene Dorf Manahan and Melanie...
Nov 4, 2019 | Our Jewish World
As part of our Section’s Our Jewish World program, Cantor Perry Fine of Temple Beth Shalom in Livingston led a fascinating two-part series, called “From Sinai to Delancey Street: Perspectives on Synagogue Music in America,” on Tuesdays, October 29 and November 12,...
Sep 5, 2019 | Our Jewish World
Rabbi Steven Bayar led a thought-provoking, three-part series titled “Current Challenges to the American Jewish Community,” which kicked off NCJW, West Morris Section’s Our Jewish World 2019–2020 Clergy Learning Series. His talks were held on Tuesdays, September 10,...