Community Service

Harvesting Produce for Our Neighbors

Harvesting Produce for Our Neighbors

We harvested a whopping 8,000 pounds (4 tons) of tomatoes at our America’s Grow A Row Harvest Mitzvah Day! Among those participating in doing this mitzvah were Assia Moran; Susan Neigher; Lois, Lee and Sylas (age three) Dornfeld; Ulla Youry; Ilene Dorf Manahan; Alan...

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There are so many stories behind all the people coming to the Interfaith Food Pantry. Kathy, a stay-at-home mom with three young children faced a real crisis when her husband decided to leave. With limited recent work experience and the need to work while her children...

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Feelie Hearts Presentation for Teens April 17

Feelie Hearts Presentation for Teens April 17

On April 17, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., our Section was part of the annual day of Jewish teen service, J-Serve, at the JCC in Whippany. Three-hundred-plus teens were in attendance. Under the direction of Dorothy Cohen, we explained to teenagers throughout the MetroWest...

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Diversity Contest Awards Ceremony

Diversity Contest Awards Ceremony

NBC 4 New York’s weekend anchor David Ushery, the creator of “The Debrief with David Ushery,” gave an inspiring keynote address at the Awards Ceremony for our sixth-grade diversity contest, “What Prejudice Means to Me.” “The National Council of Jewish Women, West...

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