Our Section has received letters of support after the horror in Pittsburgh. The Diversity Coalition of Morris County issued this public statement: One Community The Diversity Coalition of Morris County, which represents multiple faith-based and community...
Paid-up Membership Brunch Nov. 11: ‘The Creation Story . . . from a Different Angle’
We discovered some of the hidden talents of our members at a special Paid-up Membership Brunch on Sunday morning, Nov. 11, at a private home in Morris Plains. Called “The Creation Story . . . from a Different Angle,” the program featured a number of our highly...
Oct. 10 Open Board Meeting: Wind of the Spirit to Spotlight Immigration
NCJW has been an advocate for immigrant rights since its founding. NCJW volunteers worked on Ellis Island to welcome and offer guidance to new arrivals to our country from the early 1900s until the facility closed in 1954. In that tradition, we welcomed Theresa...
Literary Lights: Join Our Book Club!
Looking to share your love of books and reading with other like-minded women? Join our wonderful monthly Book Club! You’ve probably noticed the upcoming books being read by the Book Club, headed by Sharon Feigin. The list appears on the back page of each copy of the...
The Art of Curating
Curating an art exhibit is an art in itself, according to Virginia Fabbri Butera, PhD, director of the Therese A. Maloney Art Gallery at College of Saint Elizabeth in Convent Station, who spoke on “The Curatorial Process” at our Paid-Up Membership Brunch, held in...
Dinner & a Movie: The Frisco Kid
We hosted a dinner and a showing of the late Gene Wilder’s terrific movie The Frisco Kid, on Saturday, December 10, beginning at 6 p.m., at a private home in Morris Plains. We schmoozed, ate dinner (everyone who came brought something to eat--a salad, a main course,...
Finding Peace Through Mah Jongg
K aren Gooen, one of our life members and the author of two books, gave an insightful talk at our Paid-up Membership Brunch on Sunday, Nov. 20, at 10:30 a.m., at a private home in Mendham. The title of her talk was “The Psychological Benefits of Mah Jongg, featuring...
Beth Fields, a member of our Section, presented a special latke-making program using "real food" on Sunday morning, Nov. 29, at 11 a.m. at a private home in Dover. Called "Seasonal Latkes," the program was free and open to all members and prospective members. Among...
Cantor Bill Walton presented a lively program on "Jewish violinists" for our Paid-Up Membership Brunch on Sunday morning, Nov. 8, at 10 a.m., at a private home in Mendham. The event was free to all paid-up members. Cantor Walton spotlighted the musicality of Jascha...
Jewish Meditation at Our Oct. 7 Board Meeting
On Wednesday, Oct 7th, we were led in a very special Jewish meditation session by Pat Stein at a private home in Morristown. Pat offers meditation sessions at Atlantic Health, for the general public, and also for people trying to cope with various health problems. He...