Our Jewish World

Hiddur Mitzvah

Hiddur Mitzvah

It’s a special mitzvah to beautify and lend special significance to each mitzvah we perform. The rabbis dubbed this “hiddur mitzvah,” the enhancement and illumination of a commandment. Our talented life member, Lesley Frost, exemplified this practice by working with five other women to create these two beautiful appliquéd Torah mantles for her synagogue, Adas Israel, in Washington, DC.

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‘Ethical Lessons from Fiddler on the Roof’

Rabbi Shalom Lubin, spiritual leader of Chabad of Southeast Morris County, will delve into “Ethical Lessons from Fiddler on the Roof” as our next Our Jewish World Clergy Learning Series at the Morris County Library, 30 E. Hanover Ave., in Whippany. His series, which is free and open to the public, will take place at noon on Mondays, Dec. 2 and 9, and at 12:45 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 19.

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NCJW, West Morris Clergy Learning Series 2019–2020

Mark your calendars for NCJW, West Morris Section’s 2019–2020 Our Jewish World Clergy Learning Series. Our Jewish World is coordinated by Melanie Levitan and Ilene Dorf Manahan. All clergy learning series are held at the Morris County Library, 30 E. Hanover Ave., in Whippany. And preregistration is required for all of them. To preregister, email iadpr@aol.com.

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Perspectives on Synagogue Music in America

Perspectives on Synagogue Music in America

Cantor Perry Fine offered his fascinating take on “From Sinai to Delancey Street: Perspectives on Synagogue Music in America,” as part of our Clergy Learning Series at the Morris County Library. The series is co-chaired by Ilene Dorf Manahan and Melanie Levitan.

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Current Challenges to the American Jewish Community

Current Challenges to the American Jewish Community

Rabbi Steven Bayar will lead a thought-provoking, three-part series titled “Current Challenges to the American Jewish Community,” to kick off NCJW, West Morris Section’s Our Jewish World 2019–2020 Clergy Learning Series. His talks will be held on Tuesdays, September 10, at noon; September 17, at 1:15 p.m.; and September 24, at noon, all at the Morris County Library, 30 E. Hanover Ave., in Whippany.

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Visit the Islamic Center of Morris County

Our Section was graciously invited to visit the Islamic Center of Morris County on Sunday, Sept. 8, at 10:30 a.m. This was a wonderful opportunity to meet and get to know people in our community and learn about Islamic beliefs and practices. The Islamic Center is...

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